Pike Season Start
I really had been waiting for the beginning of pike fishing season. Between reminiscence and high expectations, I almost forgot that pike fishing can be quite hard work until you get a strike.
Luckily, that morning, each of us was able to catch their fish.

We started our trip in the canoe, to fish with the Blaster Shad and Black Minnow for hungry pikes right after spawning time.
After two hours of searching fish without any bite, we saw some little breams spawning right at some sunken trees and branches touching the water. The spot somehow felt more like a catfish spot and a little hard to fish, but where the baitfish are, pike can’t be far either, I thought.

Because there was such a lot of activity, I put on a Black Minnow size #4 in khaki and added a spinner blade to increase the visibility of the lure right between the little baitfish. This way I felt better than using any flashy color right in the sunshine.
I started casting again and again as close as possible towards the woods. After five minutes, I finally got a strike, right in the sinking phase of the lure. Yet another time, it had turned out to be worthwhile paying attention at the surrounding environment, while fishing.

Later on, my buddy caught a pike on the Blaster Shad and we both had a quite satisfying start into the first (sunny) pike fishing day of the season. I really missed the feeling of a good pike-strike. And for sure there will be more of them in the upcoming season 😉
Always tight lines,
Marvin & Sander from Germany

Fishing Notebook:
Month : May
Location : Leipzig, Germany
Fish targeted : early morning pikes
Fishing conditions : sunny day in a sunny week
Fishing depth : 3m
Water color : eutrophic water
Lures used: Blaster Shad and Black Minnow in khaki
Techniques used: Blaster shad slow retrieve and Black Minnow bottom hopping