Mackerel and Herring on Power Tail

The last month I have spent in my student dorm room writing for university. I didn’t go fishing quite often, but when did I mostly just wanted to have some fun considering the little time I had. Luckily it was mackerel season at the Baltic Sea, and with them they brought (or chased) herring.

Both of these species actually are great fun on light spinning rods. Most anglers target them with heavy gear and sabiki-style multi-hook leaders. However, especially mackerel can put up a hell of a fight and bring lots of fun on light spinning gear. These pelagic species can be caught all day, but I have found they come closer to land to chase in the lights of harbors especially at night time. Day or night, my favorite lure are the smaller sizes of the Fiiish Power Tail, preferably the XF weighted versions.

They cast exceptionally well even in windy conditions, and their flash signals and vibration are just what Mackerels and even Herring want. Most of the time letting them sink to the ground after casting and a simple retrieve are all it takes, especially herring also like some stop-and-go motion by lifting the rod from time to time. Bycatches at the Baltic Sea might include garfish, cod or sea trout, but I even got flounders to take my Power Tail unexpectedly.

By the way, those techniques are just what I do when fishing for horse mackerel in the mediterranean, and I am sure wherever you live and fish, any pelagic species will love themselves a quickly retrieved little Power tail.
Tight lines, Antonius